Version: 1.0.0


The PoF Simplified Extractor builds an Energy Workbench model from a PowerOn Fusion model simplifying lines and buses.


The extractor can be run with the following command:

java -jar <path to jar> [options]

If the extractor runs slowly and spends all of its time garbage collecting you need to run the tool with a custom heap size. Execute the following command at a terminal:

java -Xmx<heap size> -Xms<heap size> -jar <path to jar> [options]

where heap size is the desired size of the heap. E.g. 16g

Command Line Arguments

-c, --conf <CONFIGURATION>Use the specified configuration file./config.json
-cdg, --create-debug-geoCreate a debug view of the schematic in the geo world.false
-d, --date <DATE>Use the specified date for the output extract directory structure. Format: yyyy-MM-ddCurrent local date
-dl, --detailed-logUsed to show a detailed messages for each warning collected in the summary outputs.false
-dt, --database-type <DATABASE_TYPE>The PowerOn Fusion database type. One of ORACLE or SQLSERVERORACLE
-ewb, --ewb-data-path <PATH>Export the EWB database into the specified data store../data
-f, --force-data-overwriteOverwrites any data found in the output extract path.Program fails and warns you of the presence of files in the output path
-h, --helpShows this help message.
-i, --instance <instance>The instance/database name to use for the network extraction.nms for ORACLE, none for SQLSERVER
-is, --integrated-securityEnable integrated security for the database connection. See note below.false
-p, --port <port>The port number used to connect to the database.1521 for ORACLE, 1433 for SQLSERVER
-s, --server <SERVER>The PowerOn Fusion server to use for the network extraction.localhost


To use integrated security with SQLServer you need to have a copy of the Microsoft authentication DLL mssql-jdbc_auth-#.#.#.x64.dll installed on your system, or in the same directory as the JAR. If you do not have a copy you can download it from Maven Central.

Environment Variables

If integrated security is not enabled, the following system environment variables are used by the tool for database authentication. The default is applied if the environment variable does not exist.

ENMAC_USERThe user for the PoF Oracle database.enmac
ENMAC_PASSWORDThe password for the PoF Oracle database.password


Configuration for the extractor is specified in a JSON file.