Configuration for the PoF Network Extractor is specified in a JSON file.
Option | Description | Required |
pofConfigFile | The path to the PoF configuration used by this tool. Refer to PoF Configuration below. | Yes |
ewbDataPath | The path to the ewb data directory. | Yes |
meterSourceType | Indicates the source of meters. One of TCS or MAPPING_FILE . Default: MAPPING_FILE | No |
meterMappings | Object that holds meter mapping related config if meter source is MAPPING_FILE .Refer to Meter Mapping Config below. | No |
connectionPointIdentifier | Name to use for the connection point identifier. E.g. NMI in Australia or ICP in New Zealand. Default: NMI . | No |
Meter Mapping Config
The PoF extractor can take meter mapping files to provide a mapping of meters and supply points to transformers. Each file is required to have its date in the file name so the appropriate mapping file can be used. All the options in this config object are required if it is included.
Option | Description |
path | The path to the directory containing meter mapping files. |
filePattern | A regex to match meter mapping files. This needs to have a single group capture that captures the date in the file name. |
datePattern | The pattern of the date captured from the file name. |
The following is a sample configuration file
Sample Configuration File
"ewbDataPath": "/users/release/ewb/data",
"pofConfigFile": "/users/release/ewb/conf/pof_config.json",
"meterMappings": {
"path": "/path/to/directory/with/mapping/files",
"filePattern": "NMI_TX_MAPPING_(\\d{8}).csv",
"datePattern": "yyyyMMdd"
PoF Configuration
The following describes PowerOn Fusion specific data configuration that allows the PoF Network Extractor to convert components from PoF to EWB network model assets.
Option | Description | Type |
distTransformerClasses | A list of component class IDs for all distribution transformers. | [int] |
isoTransformerClasses | A list of component class IDs for all isolation transformers. | [int] |
regulatorClassesReversible | A list of component class IDs for reversible regulators. | [int] |
regulatorClassesNonReversible | A list of component class IDs for non reversible regulators. | [int] |
zoneTransformerClasses | A list of component class IDs for zone transformers. | [int] |
feederCbClasses | A list of component class IDs for feeder circuit breakers. | [int] |
cbClasses | A list of component class IDs for all other circuit breakers. | [int] |
fuseClasses | A list of component class IDs for fuses. | [int] |
isolatorClasses | A list of component class IDs for isolaters. | [int] |
recloserClasses | A list of component class IDs for reclosers. | [int] |
switchClasses | A list of component class IDs for all generic switch types. Only use this list if the switch does not fall into one of the explicit categories. | [int] |
faultIndicatorClasses | A list of component class IDs for fault indicators. | [int] |
brokenBridgeClasses | A list of component class IDs for broken bridges. | [int] |
generatorClasses | A list of component class IDs for generators. | [int] |
capacitorClasses | A list of component class IDs for capacitors. | [int] |
hvSupplyPointClasses | A list of component class IDs for HV supply points. | [int] |
poleClasses | A list of component class IDs for poles. | [int] |
ignoreSources | A list of component class IDs which cannot be converted to sources. | [int] |
feederClasses | A list of component class IDs for feeder start points. | [int] |
siteClasses | A list of component class IDs for site components. | [int] |
worlds | A list of world IDs to be included in the extract. | [int] |
zoneCloneIds | A list of component IDs that zones were cloned from. This is used to find the zone elements in the component hierarchy. | [string] |
businesses | Object that holds businesses config. Refer to Business Config below. | {} |
transformerTypes | Object that holds transformer types config. Refer to Transformer Types Config below. | {} |
equalLatLonCheck | Flag to indicate if the latitudes and longitude for a component should be checked to see if they have the exact same value. Defaults to false . | boolean |
treatUnknownLengthAsZero | Flag to indicate if conductors with a missing length should have their length set to 0 rather than being left as null . Defaults to false . | boolean |
eastingNorthingStoreLongLat | Flag to indicate if the Easting/Northing fields actually contain Longitude/Latitude values. Defaults to false . | boolean |
undergroundPattern | Regular expression used to determine if a cable is underground from the component class name. Defaults to hvugc . | string |
txRatingAttribute | The name of the attribute that stores the transformer rating. Defaults to Rating (kVA) . | string |
conductorNaming | Choose which COMPONENT_HEADER field to use as the conductor name (COMPONENT_PATHNAME , COMPONENT_ALIAS or COMPONENT_ID ). Defaults to COMPONENT_PATHNAME . | string |
geoGraphicsInterpolatorTraceStopVoltage | The voltage to stop at when tracing the network for interpolating missing geographic points. Defaults to 66000 . | int |
Transformer Types Config
This object is a JSON version of the TRANSFORMER_TYPES table in the PowerOn Fusion database.
Option | Description | Type |
type | The identifier of this transformer type (can be repeated). | string |
ratingMin | The minimum rating of a transformer to match against this type. Set to 0 if this is the lowest range for the type. | int |
ratingMax | The maximum rating of a transformer to match against this type. Set to 999999999 if this is the highest range fo the type. | int |
cyclicRatingFactor | Multiplication factor applied to the transformers rating when running in emergency situations. | double |
powerFactor | The power factor of this type of transformer. | double |
Businesses Config
Option | Description | Type |
name | The name to give the business in the EWB model. | string |
roots | A list of the highest level component IDs in the hierarchy that have network assets for the specified business. All zones found under these roots will be added to this business. | [string] |
Sample Configuration File
"distTransformerClasses": [
"isoTransformerClasses": [
"regulatorClassesReversible": [
"regulatorClassesNonReversible": [
"zoneTransformerClasses": [
"feederCbClasses": [
"cbClasses": [
"fuseClasses": [
"isolatorClasses": [
"recloserClasses": [
"switchClasses": [
"faultIndicatorClasses": [
"brokenBridgeClasses": [
"generatorClasses": [
"capacitorClasses": [
"hvSupplyPointClasses": [
"poleClasses": [
"ignoreSources": [
"feederClasses": [
"siteClasses": [
"worlds": [
"zoneCloneIds": [
"businesses": [
"name": "Business 1",
"roots": [
"name": "Business 2",
"roots": [
"transformerTypes": [
"type": "P",
"ratingMin": 0,
"ratingMax": 999999999,
"cyclicRatingFactor": 1.5,
"powerFactor": 0.95
"type": "K",
"ratingMin": 0,
"ratingMax": 100000,
"cyclicRatingFactor": 1.20,
"powerFactor": 0.9
"type": "K",
"ratingMin": 100001,
"ratingMax": 200000,
"cyclicRatingFactor": 1.25,
"powerFactor": 0.9
"type": "K",
"ratingMin": 200001,
"ratingMax": 999999999,
"cyclicRatingFactor": 1.30,
"powerFactor": 0.92
"equalLatLonCheck": true,
"treatUnknownLengthAsZero": false,
"eastingNorthingStoreLongLat": false,
"undergroundPattern": "hvugc",
"txRatingAttribute": "Rating (kVA)",
"conductorNaming": "COMPONENT_PATHNAME",
"geoGraphicsInterpolatorTraceStopVoltage": 66000
Environment Variables
The following system environment variables are used by the tool. The default is applied if the environment variable does not exist.
Variable | Description | Default |
ENMAC_USER | The user for the PoF Oracle database. | enmac |
ENMAC_PASSWORD | The password for the PoF Oracle database. | password |