Release History#

2.5.004 March 2022
2.4.023 September 2021
2.3.006 April 2021
2.2.001 February 2021
2.1.013 January 2021
2.0.010 November 2020
1.2.08 November 2019
1.1.021 June 2019
1.0.07 March 2019


Breaking Changes#
  • NMI and load aggregation processing has been updated for semantic relocation in the CIM model.
  • PowerTransformer instances are now distinguished using their function rather than an associated DiagramObject.
  • Updated isPrimary flag in old JSON API's to reference isExternalGrid rather than an EnergySource having any associated EnergySourcePhase.
  • Feeder API's that return infeeds will now return the head of the feeder rather than the external grid source.
  • Renamed PhaseDirection to FeederDirection:
    • IN renamed to UPSTREAM
    • OUT renamed to DOWNSTREAM
  • Separated feeder direction from phase.
    • Direction has been removed from TracedPhases and is now accessed directly off the Terminal.
    • Direction has been removed from PhaseStatus and is now accessed via DirectionStatus.
  • The following Terminal fields are now Kotlin properties rather than accessor functions:
    • connectivityNodeId
    • isConnected
    • normalPhases
    • currentPhases
  • PhaseCode.singlePhases is now a Kotlin read-only property rather than an accessor function.
New Features#
  • The connection point identifier is now configurable via the config file option connectionPointIdentifier. Defaults to NMI if not specified.
  • PowerTransformer now has a function and constructionKind.
  • Updated GQL filtering mechanism to allow more precise matching of objects.
  • Expanded the number of fields available for a StreetAddress
  • Added fields to EnergySource to allow representation of a higher-level power grid connection modelled as a slack bus.
  • Reworked phase connectivity to better handle unknown primary phases (X/Y).
  • JASNI startup exception has been resolved.
  • nmis-transformers-feeders API now correctly populates feeders for NMIs / usage points that have no upstream transformer on the feeder.
  • Relaxed the constraint on power_electronics_connection_mrid (no longer unique) in the following tables:
    • battery_unit
    • photo_voltaic_unit
    • power_electronics_wind_unit
    • power_electronics_connection_phase
  • None.


Breaking Changes#
  • All classes will now send their class name via the REST API rather than BasicNode if they did not exist in the old network model.
  • ID correlations are no longer used. Equivalent functionality has been introduced into the CIM.
New Features#
  • The gRPC API now supports the following CIM classes:
    • EquivalentBranch
    • NoLoadTest
    • OpenCircuitTest
    • ShortCircuitTest
    • ShuntCompensatorInfo
  • Added isVirtual and connectionCategory to UsagePoint
  • None.
  • Conductor colouring has been corrected in the graphics routes.
  • Switch states have been corrected in the graphics routes.
  • None.


Breaking Changes#


New Features#
  • Added support for:

    • BusBarSection
    • LoadBreakSwitch
    • TransformerEndInfo
    • TransformerTankInfo
    • TransformerStarImpedance
  • gRPC service to listen for switch state changes. Note functionality is not implemented yet, the request is just logged.

  • Added endpoint to request associated transformers and feeders for nmis - /ewb/network/api/v1/nmi-transformers-feeders. See the API documentation for details.

  • Asset response for equipment now includes location.
  • None.
  • Updated to Vert.x 3.9.6.


Breaking Changes#


New Features#
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes#
  • Updated ewb-network-routes version to latest snapshot.
New Features#
  • Added a new route for retrieving metadata about the network - /ewb/network/api/v1/metadata. See the API documentation for details.
  • None.
  • Transformer voltage is extracted from the first of the transformer's ends.
  • None.


Breaking Changes#
  • Fault indicators are no longer included in network traces (including feeder assets).
  • Updated database version.
  • Updated to use new patch API JSON format and layers.
New Features#
  • Added a new trace to find conducting equipment with attached usage points downstream from the specified conducting equipment, with an optional conducting equipment stop condition to support "between" tracing. If there is no path between from -> to, a trace in the opposite direction will also be performed (i.e. to -> from)
  • Support for load profile manipulation has been added to the patch processor. The final manipulation value is quantity / df.
  • A REST API has been added to retrieve load manipulations at /ewb/patch/api/v1/load-manipulations. See the online documentation for details.
  • The mapbox vector tiles now include conductor paths if available.
  • None.
  • None.


Breaking Changes#
  • Updated to use v11.0 network database.
New Features#
  • Underground/Overhead conductors are now supported. A flag isUnderground has been added to all JSON payloads that return conductor details.
  • Conductor styling has been added in the Mapbox Vector Tile feature properties. You can use the lineColor, lineWidth and isUnderground properties of conductor features to control the rendering of map layers.
  • Added an isolation trace API that can find all assets within a proposed isolation area.
  • HV supply point assets now include connected meter information like other supply points.
  • A new field rating has been added to all JSON payloads that return transformer details.
  • Phases are now being inferred when the core configuration drops phases.
  • None.


Breaking Changes#
  • Updated to use v10.0 network database.
New Features#
  • Patch actions are now processed in order based on type (add, modify then remove).
  • Support for system tags (e.g. GIS) has been added to all routes that use asset ID's.
  • Filtering has been added to all routes.
  • Routes that return terminals now include the terminals lat/lon.
  • Added support for cut conductor processing.
  • Feeder start points can now be the feeder circuit breaker, but it will trace the zone if there is one.
  • No longer warning about primary sources on feeders if the primary source is the feeder start point.
  • Unknown layers now result in an error rather than aborting.
  • None.
  • None.