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Version: 3.1.0

Running the Application

Command Line Arguments
FlagValid ValuesRequiredDefault
-cPath to the configuration fileYes
--detailed-stats-logUsed to show detailed messages for each warning collected in the stats outputNo
--force-aggregationAllows all meters to be aggregated to their transformers for a specified date range.No

To run the tool, execute the following command at a terminal:

java -Xmx<heap size> -Xms<heap size> -jar <path to load-aggregator-jar> -conf <path to config file>


  • heap size is the desired size of the heap. E.g. 16g
Heap Size Estimation

The LV Mapping data requires around 2GB

The meter data requires around 1.5GB

Together with the process overhead, the recommended heap size is 8GB