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Version: 2.21.0


API Routes

GET/ewb/energy/profiles/api/v1/max-demand/:idGet the daily profiles on the maximum demand days for a single id.
POST/ewb/energy/profiles/api/v1/max-demandGet the daily profiles on the maximum demand days for multiple ids sent as a JSON payload.
POST/ewb/energy/profiles/api/v1/max-demand/combineGet the daily profiles on the maximum demand days when combining multiple ids sent as a JSON payload.
GET/ewb/energy/profiles/api/v1/min-demand/:idGet the daily profiles on the minimum demand days for a single id.
GET/ewb/energy/profiles/api/v1/range/:id/from-date/:fromDate! !/to-date/:toDateGet the daily profiles in the date range for a single id.
GET/ewb/energy/profiles/api/v1/weather/:id/season/:season/day! !/:day/temperature/:temperature/variance/:varianceGet the daily profiles matching certain weather criteria for a single id.
GET/ewb/energy/profiles/api/v1/find-names/:idDEPRECATED: use /ewb/network/api/v1/find/:id instead.
GET/ewb/energy/profiles/api/v1/cached/:cacheKeyRetrieve a cached result from a previous API call. This is used by the GIS integration.
GET/ewb/store/api/v1/:id/key/:key/value/:valueGet the value from the key store for a key. This is used by the DMS integration.
PUT/ewb/store/api/v1/:id/key/:key/value/:valueStore a value in the key store against a key. This is used by the DMS integration.
PUT/ewb/store/api/v1/:id/key/:keyStore a value from the body in the key store against a key. This is used by the DMS integration.
GET/ewb/store/api/v1/:idGet all values from the key store for the user. This is used by the DMS integration.
DELETE/ewb/store/api/v1/:idRemove the user from the key store. This is used by the DMS integration.
DELETE/ewb/store/api/v1/:id/key/:keyRemove a key from the key store. This is used by the DMS integration.
GET/ewb/network/api/v1/attached-load-points/:idGet the details of the attached load points for a single supply point.
POST/ewb/network/api/v1/attached-load-points/Get the details of the attached load points for multiple supply points sent as a JSON payload.
GET/ewb/network/api/v1/feeder-assets/feeder/:idGet all of the assets that belong to the specified feeder.
GET/ewb/network/api/v1/feeder-assets/zone/:idGet all of the assets that belong all feeders under the specified zone.
GET/ewb/network/api/v1/feeder-assets/region/:idGet all of the assets that belong all feeders under the specified region.
GET/ewb/network/api/v1/feeder-assets/business/:idGet all of the assets that belong all feeders under the specified business.
GET/ewb/network/api/v1/hierarchyGet the network hierarchy of businesses, regions, zones and feeders.
GET/ewb/network/api/v1/system-tagsGet the list of available system tags.
GET/ewb/network/api/v1/assets/:idGet the details of the specified asset.
GET/ewb/network/api/v1/cable-typesGet the details of all cable types.
GET/ewb/network/api/v1/find/:idPerform an asset search for the specified identifier. This can be a name, id or load id.
GET/ewb/network/api/v1/zone-polygon/:idGet the polygon that encapsulates all of the assets on feeders under the specified zone.
GET/ewb/network/graphics/api/v1/asset/:idGet the schematic graphics for the specified asset.
GET/ewb/network/graphics/api/v1/geo/asset/:idGet the geographic location as a schematic graphic for the specified asset.
POST/ewb/network/graphics/api/v1/assetGet the schematic graphics for multiple assets sent as a JSON payload.
POST/ewb/network/graphics/api/v1/geo/assetGet the geographic location as a schematic graphic for multiple assets sent as a JSON payload.
GET/ewb/network/graphics/api/v1/geo-json/asset/:idGet the GEO-JSON representing the specified asset.
POST/ewb/network/graphics/api/v1/geo-json/assetGet the GEO-JSON representing multiple assets sent as a JSON payload.
GET/ewb/network/graphics/api/v1/view/:viewGet the schematic graphics for all assets in the specified view.
GET/ewb/network/graphics/api/v1/mvt/geo-view/:z/:x/:yGet the Mapbox Vector Tile for the specified tile.
GET/ewb/network/graphics/api/v1/mvt/geo-view/public/:z/:x/:yGet the "Public" Mapbox Vector Tile for the specified tile (if enabled).
GET/ewb/weather/api/v1/readings/:weatherStationId/from-date/:fromDate! !/to-date/:toDateGet the weather readings for the specified weather station in the requested date range.
GET/ewb/weather/api/v1/stats/:weatherStationId/from-date/:fromDate! !/to-date/:toDateGet the weather stats (min, max etc) for the specified weather station in the requested date range.
GET/ewb/weather/api/v1/stationsGet the list of all weather stations.
GET/ewb/weather/api/v1/stations/:weatherStationIdGet the details of the specified wetather station.
GET/ewb/weather/api/v1/find-nearest-station/lon/:lon/lat/:latFind the weather station that is closest to a point.
POST/ewb/weather/api/v1/find-nearest-stationFind the weather stations that are closest to multiple points sent as a JSON payload.
GET/ewb/prototype/diagram/geo-view/api/v1/configGet the geo view configuration parameters.
GET/ewb/prototype/diagram/geo-view/api/v1/lat-lon/:idGet the lat/lon of a specified asset.
GET/ewb/network/api/prototype/cable-typesDEPRECATED: use /ewb/network/api/v1/cable-types instead.
GET/ewb/network/api/prototype/graphics/geo-json/view/:view/asset/:idDEPRECATED: use /ewb/network/graphics/api/v1/geo-json/asset/:id instead.
GET/ewb/network/api/prototype/graphics/view/:viewDEPRECATED: use /ewb/network/graphics/api/v1/view/:view instead.
GET/ewb/network/api/prototype/find/:idDEPRECATED: use /ewb/network/api/v1/find/:id instead.
GET/ewb/network/api/prototype/graphics/mvt/view/:view/:z/:x/:yDEPRECATED: use /ewb/network/graphics/api/v1/mvt/geo-view/:z/:x/:y instead.
GET/ewb/network/api/prototype/zone-polygon/:idDEPRECATED: use /ewb/network/api/v1/zone-polygon/:id instead.
GET/ewb/energy/analysis/api/v1/summaryGenerate an overview of the loading of transformers.
GET/ewb/energy/analysis/api/v1/ev/:chargingBlockKwGenerate an overview of the capacity of transformers to host ev charging stations.
GET/ewb/network/trace/api/v1/downstream/tree/:idGet a tree representation of the assets downstream from the specified asset.
GET/ewb/network/trace/api/v1/upstream/asset/:idGet a list of assets of a certain type immediately upstream from the specified asset.
GET/ewb/network/api/v1/assets/by-location/:idGet a list of assets that are associated with a specific location
POST/ewb/api/graphqlPerform a GraphQL query (see GraphQL API)

Static Asset Routes

The static asset routes all serve files from the webroot.
