Class Description
A product traded by an RTO (e.g. energy, 10 minute spinning reserve). Ancillary service product examples include: Regulation, Regulation Up, Regulation Down, Spinning Reserve, Non-Spinning Reserve, etc.
Name | Type | Description |
marketProductType | MarketProductType | Market product type examples: EN (Energy) RU (Regulation Up) RD (Regulation Dn) SR (Spinning Reserve) NR (Non-Spinning Reserve) RC (RUC) |
rampInterval | Float | Ramping time interval for the specific market product type specified by marketProductType attribute. For example, if marketProductType = EN (from enumeration MarketProductType), then the rampInterval is the ramping time interval for Energy. |
No descendent classes
Source Class | Source Cardinality | Target | Target Cardinality | Source Name | Source Assoc. Description | Target Name | Target Assoc. Description |
MarketProduct | 1 | ProductBid | 0..* | MarketProduct | ProductBids | ||
MarketProduct | 1 | ResourceAwardInstruction | 0..* | MarketProduct | ResourceAwardInstruction | ||
MarketProduct | 0..1 | BidError | 0..* | MarketProduct | BidError | ||
MarketProduct | 0..1 | BidPriceCap | 0..* | MarketProduct | BidPriceCap | ||
MarketProduct | 0..1 | MarketRegionResults | 0..1 | MarketProduct | MarketRegionResults | ||
MarketProduct | 1..* | Market | 0..1 | MarketProducts | Market | ||
MarketProduct | 1 | ReserveReq | 0..* | MarketProduct | Market product associated with reserve requirement must be a reserve or regulation product. | ReserveReqs | Market product associated with reserve requirement must be a reserve or regulation product. |
MarketProduct | 1 | CommodityDefinition | 0..* | MarketProduct | CommodityDefinition |