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Class Description

The formal specification of specific characteristics related to a bid.


blockBidStringIndication that the values in the period are considered as a whole. They cannot be changed or subdivided.
directionStringThe coded identification of the energy flow.
divisibleStringAn indication whether or not each element of the bid may be partially accepted or not.
exclusiveBidsIdentificationStringUnique identification associated with all linked tenders.
The identification of a set of tenders that are linked together signifying that only one can be accepted.
This identification is defined by the tenderer and must be unique for a given auction.
linkedBidsIdentificationStringUnique identification associated with all linked bids.
minimumActivationQuantityDecimalThe minimum quantity of energy that can be activated at a given time interval.
priorityIntegerThe numeric local priority given to a bid. Lower numeric values will have higher priority.
statusStringThe information about the status of the bid, such as "shared", "restricted", ...
stepIncrementQuantityDecimalThe minimum increment that can be applied for an increase in an activation request.




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