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Class Description

An environmental alert issued by a provider or system.


alertTypeStringThe type of the issued alert which is drawn from the specified alert type list.
cancelledDateTimeDateTimeTime and date alert cancelled. Used only if alert is cancelled before it expires.
headlineStringAn abbreviated textual description of the alert issued.
Note: the full text of the alert appears in the .description attribute (inherited from IdentifiedObject).
inEffectDateTimeIntervalThe interval for which this weather alert is in effect.




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Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
EnvironmentalAlert0..*EnvironmentalDataProvider0..1EnvironmentalAlertAlert issued by this environmental data provider.EnvironmentalDataProviderEnvironmental data provider for this alert.
EnvironmentalAlert0..*EnvironmentalLocationType1..*EnvironmentalAlertEnvironmental alert applying to location of this type.EnvironmentalLocationKindType of location to which this environmental alert applies.
EnvironmentalAlert0..*AlertTypeList1EnvironmentalAlertAn alert whose type is drawn from this alert type list.AlertTypeListThe list of alert types from which the type of this alert is drawn.