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Class Description

A task within a set of work.


completedDateTimeDateTimeDate and time work task was completed.
contractorCostMoneyTotal contractor costs associated with the work task.
crewETADateTimeEstimated time of arrival, so that customer or police/fire department can be informed when the crew will arrive.
estimatedCompletionTimeDateTimeTime and Date when the work task will be completed.
instructionStringInstructions for performing this task.
laborCostMoneyTotal labor costs associated with the work task.
laborHoursHoursHours of labor expended under work task.
materiallCostMoneyTotal material costs associated with the work task.
schedOverrideStringIf specified, override schedule and perform this task in accordance with instructions specified here.
startedDateTimeDateTimeDate and time work task was started.
taskKindWorkTaskKindKind of work.
toolCostMoneyTotal tool costs associated with the work task.





Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
WorkTask0..*Asset0..*ReplacementWorkTasksAll work tasks on replacement of this old asset.OldAssetOld asset replaced by this work task.
WorkTask0..*Asset0..*WorkTasksAll non-replacement work tasks performed on this asset.AssetsAll assets on which this non-replacement work task is performed.
WorkTask0..*Crew0..*WorkTasksAll work tasks this crew participates in.CrewsAll crews participating in this work task.
WorkTask0..*Work1WorkTasksAll tasks in this work.WorkWork this task belongs to.
WorkTask0..1ProcedureDataSet0..*WorkTaskWork task that created this procedure data set.ProcedureDataSetProcedure data set associated with this work task.
WorkTask0..*SwitchingPlan0..1WorkTasksAll work tasks to execute this switching plan.SwitchingPlanSwitching plan executed by this work task.