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Class Description

The record of details of payment for service or token sale.


diverseReferenceStringFormal reference for use with diverse payment (traffic fine for example).
donorReferenceStringReference to the entity that is the source of 'amount' (for example: customer for token purchase; or supplier for free issue token).
kindTransactionKindKind of transaction.
lineLineDetailTransaction amount, rounding, date and note for this transaction line.
receiverReferenceStringReference to the entity that is the recipient of 'amount' (for example, supplier for service charge payment; or tax receiver for VAT).
reversedIdString(if 'kind' is transactionReversal) Reference to the original transaction that is being reversed by this transaction.
serviceUnitsEnergyRealEnergyActual amount of service units that is being paid for.
serviceUnitsErrorRealEnergyNumber of service units not reflected in 'serviceUnitsEnergy' due to process rounding or truncating errors.




No descendent classes


Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
Transaction0..*Meter0..1VendingTransactionsAll vending transactions on this meter.MeterMeter for this vending transaction.
Transaction0..*VendorShift0..1TransactionsAll transactions recorded during this vendor shift.VendorShiftVendor shift during which this transaction was recorded.
Transaction1..*Receipt0..1TransactionsAll transactions recorded for this receipted payment.ReceiptThe receipted payment for which this transaction has been recorded.
Transaction0..*CashierShift0..1TransactionsAll transactions recorded during this cashier shift.CashierShiftCashier shift during which this transaction was recorded.
Transaction0..*AuxiliaryAccount0..1PaymentTransactionsAll payments against this account.AuxiliaryAccountAuxiliary account for this payment transaction.
Transaction0..*PricingStructure0..1TransactionsAll transactions applying this pricing structure.PricingStructurePricing structure applicable for this transaction.
Transaction0..*CustomerAccount0..1PaymentTransactionsAll payment transactions for this customer account.CustomerAccountCustomer account for this payment transaction.
Transaction0..1UserAttribute0..*TransactionTransaction for which this snapshot has been recorded.UserAttributesAll snapshots of meter parameters recorded at the time of this transaction. Use 'name' and 'value.value' attributes to specify name and value of a parameter from meter.