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Class Description

The units defined for usage in the CIM.


ACurrent in Ampere.
AhAmpere-hours, Ampere-hours.
AsAmpere seconds (A·s).
BtuEnergy, British Thermal Unit.
HzFrequency in Hertz (1/s).
QQuantity power, Q.
QhQuantity energy, Qh.
VElectric potential in Volt (W/A).
VAApparent power in Volt Ampere (See also real power and reactive power.)
VAhApparent energy in Volt Ampere hours.
VArReactive power in Volt Ampere reactive. The “reactive” or “imaginary” component of electrical power (VIsin(phi)). (See also real power and apparent power).
Note: Different meter designs use different methods to arrive at their results. Some meters may compute reactive power as an arithmetic value, while others compute the value vectorially. The data consumer should determine the method in use and the suitability of the measurement for the intended purpose.
VArhReactive energy in Volt Ampere reactive hours.
VPerVAPower factor, PF, the ratio of the active power to the apparent power. Note: The sign convention used for power factor will differ between IEC meters and EEI (ANSI) meters. It is assumed that the data consumers understand the type of meter being used and agree on the sign convention in use at any given utility.
VPerVArPower factor, PF, the ratio of the active power to the apparent power. Note: The sign convention used for power factor will differ between IEC meters and EEI (ANSI) meters. It is assumed that the data consumers understand the type of meter being used and agree on the sign convention in use at any given utility.
VhVolt-hour, Volt hours.
VsVolt second (Ws/A).
WReal power in Watt (J/s). Electrical power may have real and reactive components. The real portion of electrical power (I²R or VIcos(phi)), is expressed in Watts. (See also apparent power and reactive power.)
WPerAActive power per current flow, watt per Ampere.
WPersRamp rate in Watt per second.
WhReal energy in Watt hours.
degPlane angle in degrees.
degCRelative temperature in degrees Celsius.
In the SI unit system the symbol is ºC. Electric charge is measured in coulomb that has the unit symbol C. To distinguish degree Celsius form coulomb the symbol used in the UML is degC. Reason for not using ºC is the special character º is difficult to manage in software.
hTime, hour = 60 min = 3600 s.
minTime, minute = 60 s.
ohmElectric resistance in ohm (V/A).
ohmPermElectric resistance per length in ohm per metre ((V/A)/m).
ohmmresistivity, Ohm metre, (rho).
onePerHzReciprocal of frequency (1/Hz).
sTime in seconds.
thermEnergy, Therm.



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