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Class Description

Wire data that can be specified per line segment phase, or for the line segment as a whole in case its phases all have the same wire characteristics.


coreRadiusLength(if there is a different core material) Radius of the central core.
coreStrandCountInteger(if used) Number of strands in the steel core.
gmrLengthGeometric mean radius. If we replace the conductor by a thin walled tube of radius GMR, then its reactance is identical to the reactance of the actual conductor.
insulatedBooleanTrue if conductor is insulated.
insulationMaterialWireInsulationKind(if insulated conductor) Material used for insulation.
insulationThicknessLength(if insulated conductor) Thickness of the insulation.
materialWireMaterialKindConductor material.
rAC25ResistancePerLengthAC resistance per unit length of the conductor at 25 °C.
rAC50ResistancePerLengthAC resistance per unit length of the conductor at 50 °C.
rAC75ResistancePerLengthAC resistance per unit length of the conductor at 75 °C.
rDC20ResistancePerLengthDC resistance per unit length of the conductor at 20 °C.
radiusLengthOutside radius of the wire.
ratedCurrentCurrentFlowCurrent carrying capacity of the wire under stated thermal conditions.
sizeDescriptionStringDescribes the wire gauge or cross section (e.g., 4/0, #2, 336.5).
strandCountIntegerNumber of strands in the conductor.





Source ClassSource CardinalityTargetTarget CardinalitySource NameSource Assoc. DescriptionTarget NameTarget Assoc. Description
WireInfo0..1WirePhaseInfo0..*WireInfoWire information contributing to this wire phase information.WirePhaseInfoWire phase information associated with this wire information.